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I met Ken relatively late.

But with him, "the later the better", because the older you are when you read it, the more ready you are to understand how special Ken Parker is from all other comics. 💪.

Even today, I can't decide which episode is the best for me, or whether I'm happy or angry that it ended the way it did. 😒


Who is the best, favorite, greatest among the Bonelli characters for me, you ask? We find that out in today's episode 😊

And who is my favorite comic book hero in general, when all is said and done? We answer that question too today:

Martin Mystere has been sitting on that throne for over three decades.

MArtin Mystere fanart
MArtin Mystere Bonelli fanart


Nathan Never was a pleasant surprise and a real refreshment on newsstands in the nineties.

The first episode knocked me off my feet. Later, unfortunately, none of the drawings came close to it, and after fifty or so episodes I generally lost interest.

Nathan Never Fanart

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